Richard Gibson

Richard Gibson was born on dry land but is never happier than when at sea and would probably be happiest at the prow of a sailing ship (or at least on the poop deck). Years in the catering business have given him an insight into just how nasty people can be to each other. He loves Christmas and shadows and sincerely hopes that somewhere a mad scientist is developing a winged beast to carry off people who hog the center lane of the motorway.

You can follow his blog page here

2 responses to “Richard Gibson

  1. Anne

    That confused me! Tracked you down at last with your new name – is this your nom de plume then? Thanks for posting up your link and good luck with the cafe 🙂

    • Richard Gibson

      Ahhh, yes, maybe I need to explain that more often. Keep getting people saying ‘but you’re not in the book.’ Thans for persisting though.

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