Tag Archives: epublishing

RED- Now Available on Amazon

UPDATE: – Great news, RED is now available to buy from Amazon! Tales From The Cafe: Volume 2 contains 22 different tales that will take you on a journey of discovery, from mythical lands to our own more familiar shores. Each of the authors have offered a unique take on the theme of RED, and no matter what your favourite genre choice, be it suspense, fantasy, romance or the supernatural, you’re sure to find something to your taste.

Check out the Amazon link now:-


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RED Book Launch–Available To Buy Now

RED is finally here and the Cafe Three-Zero authors have returned to bring you the second in a series of short story eBooks. This time, we have 22 different tales that will take you on journeys of discovery, from mythical lands to our own more familiar shores. Each of the authors have offered their own unique take on the RED theme, and no matter what your favourite genre choice, be it suspense, fantasy, romance or the supernatural, you’re sure to find something to your taste.

The stories are longer too, so providing our readers with fantastic value for money. We are currently offering the book at a discounted rate during April, so there’s even more fiction for your money. Check out our previous blog post about the competition and get involved for a bargain half-price book.


For sale now at Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/146937

If you love reading and discovering new authors, why not follow our blog and Facebook page for updates and future offers!

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Easter Giveaway Competition–Book Discounts for RED

As part of the Easter festivities and the release of RED, our second e-book, we are launching an exciting competition in which our readers can get involved. We’ve thousands of discount vouchers for Smashwords to giveaway during April, in what will be our first competition. It’s an opportunity to buy RED with a £1.50 discount off the normal retail price of £2.99, so don’t delay and keep reading!

To get involved, all our readers have to do is to answer one simple question:- What does the word RED make you think of?

Our readers and subscribers can get creative with this one. When you have an answer, one word or more (it’s up to you), send it to us via our competition email competitions@cafethreezero.com. We will be emailing the coupons out to your email address, so don’t forget to check your Spam folders too. Feel free to post your RED comments on the blog, if you wish, or at our Facebook page.  A word of caution though, if it’s going public–please keep it clean!

Facebook link http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Cafe-Three-Zero/140193642738699

You can read our author’s contributions to the RED theme when the book is released at Smashwords  April 1st, but remember, this is no April Fools! Get involved and have some Easter fun.

To Note:- Smashwords books are sold in dollars, so the discount code will still allow you to purchase at half-price and will reflect the exchange rate.


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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Kelly Bird

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Kelly Bird.  Be sure to check out  her author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I’m married with three children and two dogs. Along with looking after all of my dependents (husband included), I run a home based office supplies company which allows me some time to read, write and run, my three favourite things!

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

It was a dream, actually it might have been a nightmare!

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

It’s great to get your thoughts out on paper and if someone enjoys reading it, it’s even better.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

Go on a course, there is so much to learn; keep in touch with other writers to critique each other’s work.

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

So many authors; Anita Shreve,David Nicholls,Marian Keyes, Emma Donoghue, Cecilia Ahern.

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

Apart from running, I play the piano, I do spin classes, I walk my dogs and I run my children EVERYWHERE!

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

Ask Phil from Relocation Relocation to find me a ‘Forever’ home!

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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Phil Wilson

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Phil Wilson.  Be sure to check out  his author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I live in SE London with my family (wife, two kids, and the cat from next door since my own cat passed away). I work in a job in healthcare that I love. I am doing an open BA with the OU (mainly in English and Creative Writing). I aim to retire in four and a half years and to walk the Camino de Santiago and then to see where this takes me.

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

I wanted to explore the act of remembering by a quiet hero.

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

I love telling stories. I love the effect words can have on the reader.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

Just write, and if you can, write and show to others and listen to what they say. Then write again. And read. And don’t listen to me; what do I know?

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

Ernest Hemingway (early), John Irving, Douglas Adams (all), Stephen King, F Scott Fitzgerald (TITN), Jonathan Meads, Chris Claremont, Milan Kundera, John Steinbeck, Frank Miller, Georges Remi (Herge), and loads of others.

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

I love taking photos, watching movies (from the classics to art house independents and some Woody Allen) and progressive rock bands (Porcupine Tree), drinking real ale and walking.

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

Duck and cover.

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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Michael Jan Gibas

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Michael Jan Gibas.  Be sure to check out  his author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I run a graphic design company in Hertfordshire and I once used to write and draw comic books.

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

L’Amour Fou. Infatuation. Losing the people you really love.

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

Always created characters and stories and then just got distracted by life. Time to rediscover that creative spark and prove it’s never too late.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

Write. Write. Then write some more.

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

Jack Kirby. John Irving. Willie Vlautin.

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?


Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

Worry some more.

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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Claire Mitchell-Tsamados

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Claire Mitchell-Tsamados.  Be sure to check out  her author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I am 25 years old (and about to have my next birthday). I live with my beautiful 7-year-old daughter. I work as a EFL teacher and writer, and I am currently studying for a BA (HONS) in English language and literature.

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

Strangely enough I just tried not to write in my usual Victorian high romance style. I wanted to try something different, so with that as my only aim (and trying to stay as far from it as possible) I came up with this ‘A Little Extra Revenge’.

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

Writing was just something I have always done. I’m not sure where else I fit.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

Just keep at it and never give up.

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

Josephine Cox, Freya North, Stephen King, Maeve Binchy, Barbara Taylor Bradford and many, many more.

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

Spend time with my daughter.

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

I have no idea. The same as now I guess, but maybe with a bigger grin!

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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with A.C.Fullwood

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features A.C.Fullwood.  Be sure to check out  her author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I studied theatre design in Liverpool and now try to work as an artist/designer as my day job.  I’m married to a musician, so my life is mad and unpredictable to say the least.

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

It stems from the character Squirrel and a conversation my husband and I had about surviving after a disaster.  We often talk about dark and weird subjects late at night.

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

I always wrote stories alongside drawing – the two went together for me.  I used to tell ghost stories to the kids on our street and make them cry (something that I’m not proud of). The passion stayed with me.  I still want to live in that childhood dream world and make a living from it one day.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

I’m a firm believer in never giving up.  If you have dreams – follow them, no matter what people say!

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

The list is endless.  Tolkien for his vast imagination and ability to draw on the past.  I like Katherine Kerr and Trudi Canavan for their believable worlds and characters. I admire Stephen kings approach to writing; he’s a hard worker who has boundless energy and ideas.

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

I mainly paint, so I am a starving artist as well as a starving writer.  I love spending time with my husband and walking the dog, being with nature or in the garden.  I’m a big traveller too and when I find the time I like to visit art galleries and cultural locations. I try to live a holistic life and recently began dabbling in aromatherapy and growing herbs.

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

Buy a place by the sea, with hills or mountains close by. Somewhere with lots of open space around it where we can have animals and live the good life.

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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Vayla Berry

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Vayla Berry.  Be sure to check out  her author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

I studied drama at Manchester Uni and somewhere along the line realized my imagination was stronger than my acting… so here goes…

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

I wanted to explore the thoughts and feeling of someone who wasn’t like me, someone who had a story to tell.

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

Because I love stories, stories led me to writing and writing led me here.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

Being one myself I would say, believe, if you don’t no one else will.

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

Stephen King and Ray Brabury, to create such vivid and colourful landscapes and characters with seemingly effortless abandon is something I admire hugely. There are hundreds more but I fear I am already becoming boring….

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

Spin stories for my beautiful daughter Lyra who is three and irritate my husband with endless ‘what ifs..’ I am addicted to vintage dresses and can often be found lurking in thrift stores hoping for a bargain.

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?


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Cafe Three-Zero Take 7 Author Interview – with Joyce Moyes

Each week we are featuring a couple of our now published authors, and inviting them to answer 7 questions about their writing and inspirations. They have all contributed to our first eBook, Tales From The Cafe: Vol 1, details of which are posted on our home page, along with where you can purchase. Our latest interview features Joyce Moyes.  Be sure to check out  her author page for more information…

Q1  Give us some background on yourself?

My father was Scottish and my mother English. I was born in London, brought up in South Shields and now reside in Scotland. You could say I am bit of a mongrel, having an accent, which is a mix of ‘Geordie’ with a Scottish ‘burr.’ Mind you it does mean I can roll my ‘R’s’

Q2  What was the basis for your story in Tales from the Cafe, Vol 1?

Relationships, and their influence’s, Nature versus Nurture. What makes a person a killer, his genes or his upbringing, or both?

Q3  Why did you want to become an author?

I always have stories in my head; characters develop and need a voice. Either that or perhaps I am mad, who knows!!! I did live in the next street to Catherine Cookson, maybe that count’s for something.

Q4  Any advice for fledgling authors?

I would love to be able to give loads of advice but I am not there yet, I haven’t got my wings yet. Perhaps believe in yourself, read lots and write.

Q5  What authors do you like and admire?

I like Edward Rutherford and Sebastian Faulks, and I have been known to read the occasional Catherine Cookson novel if I am missing the Geordie twang. I like to read about people who I can perceive as ‘real’

Q6  What do you do when you’re not writing fiction?

I like travel and take photographs, especially wildlife.

Q7  What will you do if you become famous?

Just what I do now, I would do a bit more of the things which I enjoy, and less of other things which stop me from doing them. I would probably upgrade on flights when I was travelling, apparently you get proper cutlery and free wine, and you get to jump the queue when you book in, bliss…..

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